
Real Life Podcast Episode 291 – The Boys Launch an Answering Machine

Real Life Podcast
3 years ago
Thursday means that your workweek is winding down and that the boys from the Real Life Podcast have a new episode in the books and ready for your ear holes. On today’s podcast, the guys covered the new Nation HQ, disc golf, our new answering machine, current events, and a whole lot more.

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Kicking off today’s podcast, the guys got started with Tyler Yaremchuk’s confession that he broke into the new Nation HQ building and wandered around for a little personal tour despite the fact that it’s not yet opened. From the pub (Dogpatch) to the bakery (Bread + Butter) to the new recording studio, Tyer had plenty of good things to say about the new office and what’s to come. Changing gears, the guys got back into their disc golf dreams after Chalmers got an email from Eric Moon, a loyal Real Life listener and avid disc chucker. Will this email be the first step to actually getting out and rattling the chains? Sticking with summer sports, Baggedmilk asked the guys for some help with his pursuit of new golf clubs now that he’s decided he wants to get out of his house after a year and a half indoors. Lastly, the guys wrapped up this week’s podcast by launching a new segment called Current Events with Chalmers that may or may not happen on a weekly basis.
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