
Better Lait Than Never: Ryan Nugent-Hopkins rumours, Jayden Grubbe, and your horrible food opinions

1 year ago
It’s Wednesday afternoon and that means a brand new episode of Better Lait Than Never is ready to recap the last week in Edmonton Oilers land with a healthy dose of randomness mixed in to keep you on your toes.
To kick off this week’s podcast, I got started with a quick preview of my question of the week about people’s unpopular food opinions, and let me tell you, this was easily one of my favourites that we’ve ever done. Frankly, some of the answers that came in on Twitter about people’s food choices had me in stitches, and I could not wait to read a bunch of them out. Getting back to business, I got started the hockey talk with a look at the Ryan Nugent-Hopkins rumours that have been circulating this past week, and how I think it would be moronic for Edmonton to trade him even though I understand the logic of selling high. Sticking with the Oilers, the club got some minor business done this afternoon as they traded a 5th round pick to the New York Rangers in exchange for Jayden Grubbe before promptly signing the prospect to a three-year ELC ahead of tomorrow’s June 1st deadline. They also signed defenceman, Phil Kemp, to a two-year contract extension earlier in the week as Ken Holland apparently accepts no days off early in the offseason. Next up, I quickly ran through the Stanley Cup Finals that are set to kick off on Saturday between the Vegas Golden Knights and Florida Panthers, a finale that could not be more uninteresting to me if the league actively tried. Lastly, I wrapped up the episode with another Righteous Sack Beating and a fresh round of voicemails to get your take on what’s been going on over the last week. Oh, and subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Want to leave a voicemail for next week’s show? Do it here!
Listen this week’s episode of BLTN below:
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