
Edmonton Sports Radio Returns: Let’s Go

Robin Brownlee
10 months ago
I’ve written it twice in the last week and I’m here to tell you it’s worth writing again as we wrap up a long Labor Day weekend and slide into the work week with another Edmonton Oilers season fast approaching– sports talk radio returns in a big way Tuesday when Sports 1440 hits the airwaves at 7 a.m. sharp.
The slate of shows we know: The Kevin Karius Show puts this town back in the sports talk biz from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. After that, it’s Fantasy Frenzy with Connor Halley and Brandon Douglas from 11 a.m. to noon and The Lowdown with Lowetide hosted by Allan Mitchell from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. The Jason Gregor Show takes us the rest of the way from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The line-up has a roster of co-hosts and regular guests including Mark Spector, Frank Seravalli, Jason Strudwick, Craig Button, Terry Ryan, Lori-Ann Muenzer, Andi Petrillo, Mike Rupp, Ladi Smid, Kevin Woodley, Eddie Steele, Tyler Yaremchuk, Dave McCarthy, Daniel Nugent-Bowman, Grant Fuhr, Derek Van Diest, Baggedmilk and Wanye Gretz to name 18 off the top of my head.
Suffice to say it’s been a huge undertaking by everyone involved, notably Gregor and his Just A Game Productions, Stringray and The Nation Network, but it was either that or the kind of daily dead air that has had every hardcore sports fan pacing since the airwaves went quiet in June. That’s done with. Hell yes, to that. Let’s go.
You’ll be able to get in on the gab on the dial at 1440, online at http://sports1440.ca, through Stingray, iHeartradio and through The Nation Network.


I get it that I’m showing my age and that his name won’t ring a bell with many of our readers, but the passing of defenceman Brad Maxwell Sunday really hits home for me.
Maxwell, 66 when he lost a battle with cancer, was a member of the powerhouse New Westminster Bruins teams that went to four straight Memorial Cups 1975-78 and won in 1977 and 1978 under coach Punch McLean. Maxwell, selected seventh overall by Minnesota in 1977, played 612 NHL games with the North Stars, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver and New York.
For rink rats at Queen’s Park Arena in New Westminster like me, Maxwell was one of those players you don’t forget. Maxwell was not only talented, but tough as nails and mean as hell. He had lots of company in that regard – Barry Beck, Clayton Pachal, Harold Phillipoff, Stan Smyl and Kevin Schamehorn come to mind.
In a year in which family, friends and fans have lost players like Petr Klima and Gino Odjick way too young, now Maxwell is gone. For me, the memories of his days patrolling the blueline in the bedlam at Queen’s Park Arena remain vivid. Godspeed.

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