
Get a move on, Sundin

By Wanye
15 years ago
Mats Sundin needs to pack it in. There. We said it. It’s about time someone told the truth.
We get it, Mats. You’re complicated and stuff. You want to decide about your future on your own timetable because it’s so complex.
What should you do with all of the money the Leafs have given you over the past decade? It’s so crazy! Who could say?
We have an idea. How about you do your franchise a favour and don’t leave them twisting in the wind until the first week of September. That could work for starters.
Go to Vancouver. Fine. Stay with Toronto. Great! But stop waiting until the last minute as though it will somehow impact the Leafs. They have enough problems without your bald ass leaving them hanging.
Man up Sundin. Enough is enough. Make a decision. We hate the Leafs but even a cold hearted snake feels bad.

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