
An Oilers fan’s letter to Santa

7 months ago
Dear Santa,
I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits up at the North Pole. My name is Baggedmilk, and I readily admit that I am one of the biggest Oilers fans on the planet. I’m biased in my opinions about them, I cheer loudly, and I get sassy when they lose. It’s a whole thing. Since I was a little kid, I’ve been following this team through thick and thin, and this Christmas, I thought I’d reach out to you with a few heartfelt requests on behalf of our beloved Edmonton Oilers.
First and foremost, I wish for consistency. Oh, Santa, I know you’ve been watching our team’s rollercoaster 2023-24 campaign and the highs that make our hearts soar in La Bamba led song and the lows that test our loyalty and general sanity. That’s why I’m asking for your help so that the Oilers can find the consistency they need to lock in wins, game after game. Imagine the joy throughout Oilersnation if we could count on our team to deliver a top-notch performance every time they hit the ice. It would be magical. Can you see it? I’ve been dreaming of it.
The next item on my 2023 Christmas wish list is consistent depth scoring. While we have superstars like McDavid and Draisaitl who dazzle us nightly with their incredible talent and ultimately carry the team more often than not, I believe contributions from all four lines will be the key to Stanley Cup success. Basically what I’m asking, Santa, is for you to sprinkle some of that magic dust of yours on our forward lines to give them that extra boost of depth scoring. If you do that for me, I’m very confident we’ll be an unstoppable force in the league. We love goals around here, big man, and any help you can offer in this department would go a long way.
Lastly, and certainly most importantly, I’m asking for competent goaltending that we can count on every night. I truly believe in Stuart Skinner as the start for this hockey team, but he needs someone that can ride with him to help smooth out the lows. We’ve seen our fair share of spectacular saves, but consistency in the crease has been a challenge to say the least. I don’t know if that means finding new friends or if you do what you can to fix our current crew, but, Santa, if you could gift our goaltenders the confidence and skill to stand tall between the pipes, I believe it would make a world of difference for our team’s success.
I know you have a lot on your plate this time of year, but as the biggest Oilers fan on Earth, I couldn’t help but share my wish list and dreams for the team in the hopes that you can help us out. As you know, it’s been a wild ride around here over the years, and your magical touch might be just what we need to make this season truly special for Oilers fans everywhere.
Wishing you safe travels on Christmas Eve and a Merry Christmas to you and all the hardworking elves up at the North Pole! Don’t forget about us, Santa. We kinda need you here, pal.

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