
Oilersnation Radio: Entering the NHL Quiet Zone Sparks an Elks Argument

1 year ago
We’re already entering the slow part of the offseason and that means there’s not a whole lot of Oilers news happening these days, but that didn’t mean we didn’t still have plenty to talk about on the Friday episode of Oilersnation Radio.
Kicking off this week’s podcast, we got started with a look at the free agency bargain bin and tried to figure out if there are any other names that could be coming to town once Bouchard and McLeod have gotten signed. For some reason, this simple question from Tyler turned into an argument about whether or not the Oilers should even be considering more scratch tickets. From there, we changed gears and looked at what the Oilers are going to do with Ryan McLeod and Evan Bouchard, given that both players are still looking for new deals and fill important roles on the team. We also dove into some of the futures odds for next year and discussed whether it’s a good thing or doesn’t even matter that the Oilers are so heavily favoured. Lastly, we wrapped up the Friday episode of Oilersnation Radio with another round of Kennedy’s quote game, answered a few questions in Ask the Idiots, and Hot and Cold performers.
Listen to the free agency episode of Oilersnation Radio below:
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