

By Wanye
11 years ago
Yeah we know we launched the Photoshop Contest about 124 days ago and have yet to award the winner. Wait till you hear the celebrity judge that has weighed in on the contest though! All will be forgiven we swear.


Returning from Nerd Camp last week has been a jarring experience. We are back among polite company, expected to behave and no one seems interested in spit balling ideas for wacky and fantastical companies that have a 1% chance of success.
It’s back to "reality" of "things that can actually occur and a list of To Dos that stretches to the Sun"
So we sit down with Jason Gregor to take stock of what needs to be done. At one point in the conversation we happen to say "hey did you see that photoshop contest? How hilarious was that?"
Without even batting an eye he replied "Oh yeah it was great. I showed it to your man crush Eberle and he said that entry #6 (Gangster Enough) was the best."


Jordan Eberle has been on the Nation?? Did he try and click the reply button only to have it fail?? Did he wonder why there is nothing under the media tab on the header? Did he know we can comment on pollz??? 
It boggles our brain banana! We had to order a paper bag from the waitress and use it to stop hyperventilating while Gregor calmly ate his dinner and watched.  


Forgoing the democratic process we award the prize of Photoshop V: Yak City to Gangster Enough. Yes it’s brilliant author Marc didn’t "technically" win the popular vote but if JORDAN LESLIE EBERLE says that Gangster Enough is the best then that is how it is going to go down. He is a King among us insects and his every whim must be met immediately.
Having said this we will also award a second grand prize to Mark the author of Soviet Airlift. It is shocking enough that both finalists are named Marc and Mark but let’s put that aside for a moment. Soviet Airlift gets the grand prize too But only because he won the voting on account of the fact we are all wildly out of sync with what Jordan Eberle thinks and wants.
We could go revise the history of the vote by rigging it to reflect the fact that we all "totally agree with 14 and wouldn’t have voted for anyone else of course" but we will leave it as is as a dangerous warning to us all about how out of touch we are.
As always thank you to everyone who entered the contest. These things are quickly becoming one of our favourite parts of the site. And Jordan Eberle likes them too it seems.*


At the risk of complete and total financial ruin we will make a final call for free OilersNation stickers for anyone who wants em. We have over 160 people from 5 provinces and 6 different countries that have already demanded the Swig-swaggiest stickers ever to run off the presses over at Jet Label.
Damn you to hell Citizen of the Nation who requested stickers to Ajerbijan. What are we – made of the kind of money that can be thrown around at the Post Office like it ain’t no thing? We have had to sell a kidney to meet the postage demands of this sticker offering.
So email us at wanyegretz at gmail dot com if you want some stickers sent to your residence. This goes down next week and may never happen again.**
**Of course it will.

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