
Social media reacts to Sam Gagner signing a PTO with the Edmonton Oilers

By Woz
10 months ago
One of the worst-kept secrets surrounding the Edmonton Oilers this off-season seemed to be the return of Sam Gagner for a third tour of duty. On Monday, the club officially announced that Gagner would be coming into camp on a professional tryout, and Oilers fans across social media were ecstatic about the news.
With that being said, not everyone was as excited as we are here at Oilersnation.


Dannycuth thinks about how the Oilers should pass the Stanley Cup around when they win the Lord Stanley’s Mug this season. Makes sense to give it to the man who’s played over 1000 NHL games with 542 of those being with the Edmonton Oilers.
Nugent-Hopkins no doubt would be right after him.
Wayne Glensky added that this is a move that will provide competition in training camp and pre-season, which is a good thing for everyone who cheers for this team. There’s no guarantee Gagner will make the team, however, the majority of fans feel as though it’s bound to happen.
Then you have others who believe this is simply a nostalgia signing. The thing is, it’s not. Gagner was on track for a fine season with the Jets last year had it not been for his hips. If his body can stay healthy then there’s no doubt he can be a valuable fourth liner or extra forward. Remember, he scored 13 goals and 31 points with Detroit in the 21/22 NHL season.
He’s proven he can still score, and it’s just a matter of whether or not his body can handle the grind of the NHL schedule. I don’t think anyone is expecting Sam Gagner to have a huge impact but rather will add another player the team can rely on in a supplementary role either with the big club or in Bakersfield.


Simplyyobeast: “If he does return, he’s gonna have to stay in Bakersfield until one of the players gets a booboo.”
This is one scenario I can see happening with Gagner, but it all depends on what happens in camp. He probably would be open to that role as well as he just wants to continue playing hockey until his body says otherwise.
Hills_of_sorrow: “Not sure why people are mad about this. It’s a PTO, not a three-year contract lol. If he’s as washed up or bad, as some fans think, then he probably won’t make the team. It won’t be a problem lol.”
Perfectly summed up. There’s no harm in bringing in Sam Gagner, especially on a PTO. It’s not like he’s going to derail the team from any success they achieve in the upcoming season. Not to mention, PTO players are free unless they get signed so there really is no harm in this move.
Shredb4dead: “Whoop-T-Doo. Does anyone really care? Holloway and Lavoie should both be better than Gagner at this point but it’s only a PTO so no big deal.”
Well, it is a big deal. Sam Gagner is beloved amongst most Oilers fans. They want to see him finish his career as an Oiler. Play one playoff game hopefully in royal blue threads. There’s no guarantee that Lavoie will make the lineup either. Holloway should be a lock however he needs to find a role on this team that makes both him and the team successful and isn’t just wasting minutes on the fourth line.


“Nothing wrong with having another team develop one of your prospects then getting him back to help win a cup.”
Richard with an elite comment. If the Oilers lift the Cup and Sam Gagner’s name ends up on it as a member of the Edmonton Oilers, it would be the perfect ending to his career. You never know, this might not even be his final season in the NHL.
“Shootout specialist? Maybe he can show Drai a few moves so he doesn’t need to take a slapshot in the shootout.”
How about a little humor? After Draisaitl’s slapshot shootout attempt last year it might be worth it for him to get some tips from Gagner who’s known for his slick moves in the shootout.
“I followed him a bit last year in the Peg. As a role player he did everything he was asked to do. He filled in on the top lines from time to time and did reasonably well.”
I do wonder how many of the naysayers have even watched Gagner in recent years. If the Oilers can get another Derek Ryan-like player out of him, that’s perfect. As mentioned previously, it’s his health that will decide if he can contribute over a full season.

Why Oilers fans love Sam Gagner

Now this is a question I asked on socials after I saw some negativity behind the PTO move with Gagner.
First of as Brownlee mentioned. He never took the NHL for granted and cherished each minute. Gagner genuinely loves hockey and will do what it takes to stay in the game.
While some may say Gagner was rushed, he was also the first of many young players to lead the franchise into a new generation of Oilers hockey. It ended up being a dark period for the club but Sam Gagner was a tough soldier and faced much adversity, showing off his skill at the same time.
And how about this from Kaylee on Facebook with a great summary of Gagner’s game:
“If you spent the last few seasons watching him play in Detroit and Winnipeg like I did, you see he plays with heart. He will drop the gloves to stand up for the younger guys and play smart with the puck. He has adapted well to playing further down the lineup and can step up when needed. Everywhere he goes, there are always fans who appreciate that hard work and dedication. Welcome home Sam Gagner, I can’t wait to see you prove the haters wrong. He’s gonna be lifting the cup this year with the Oilers!”
That’s who Sam Gagner is. I’ve read comments that say he’s soft and weak and the Oilers need someone who can hit like Klim Kostin. Not every fourth liner needs to be a bruiser. As long as he can be a serviceable and smart player for the Edmonton Oilers, that’s all you need.
Shelley on Facebook added:
“He has a passion for the game, and is a decent human being. The Oilers would seriously benefit if Sam is back on the team!”
Unfortunately, this time around Gagner won’t have Joey Moss around. Those two had an awesome relationship and showed how much class and care someone like Sam Gagner had for everyone. On the ice he was a warrior, taking on anyone he’d face. Off the ice, he was a gentleman.
Matt.e.ayres on Instagram
“Spent all those years with the team when they were horrible. Never complained about the team or the city and always worked hard.”
Gagner persevered through the Decade of Darkness and now it’s time he enjoys a taste of success with the team that drafted him. He also mentioned his love for Edmonton winters in a recent interview with the Nation Real Life crew.

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timboggsdotcom on Instagram:
“8 point night against Chicago, takes a fight he’s way too small to take..lives in the area, gee, I dunno, I guess we’re just crazy.”
Of course, how can we ever forget his iconic eight-point night? Arguably the best moment of Oilers hockey within those 10 years of not making the playoffs. Sam Gagner wouldn’t take on an opponent regardless of his size. A true champion for the City of Edmonton and the Oilers organization.
Welcome back Sam, now we wait and see if you’re on the opening night roster.

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