
Sunday Scaries: Season is over and I’m cancelling NHL refs on behalf of Mattias Ekholm

Photo credit:Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports
Kylie Salai
1 year ago
That didn’t go how we anticipated.
The Oilers have been eliminated from the Stanley Cup playoffs in the second round. This one hurts more than last year, and it’s all because of expectations.
Last year, we weren’t expected to beat Calgary, and we made it to the western conference finals. This year we were cup favourites going into the playoffs, and we got bounced in the second round.
It’s hard to come up with words, too, because everyone knows exactly what went wrong.
The Oilers didn’t step up and they didn’t play their best hockey at any given point in the playoffs.
Stuart Skinner did not play his best either, both teams we played had their mid-tier at best goalies steal them a game, and we did not have that same luxury.
Before I start here- I am not blaming the Oilers losing on the reffing, but we all saw it, so I do feel the need to address it. The NHL reffing has been an issue for a while and the fact that stuff like this is sliding in the playoffs — or at any time at all — is unacceptable.
Wes Mcauleydeemed this as a follow through, and you can agree or disagree, but two inches higher and Ekholm is down an eyeball…
is this not the point of penalties and high sticking not being allowed? player safety??
I don’t know about you… but that doesn’t look overly normal to me.
Again, not the reason we lost, but it obviously does play a factor in the outcome of the game, and well, neither the reffing nor the outcome of four games was in favour of the Oilers.
Alright, it’s about that time…
Sunday Scaries!!
  1. Number one, and most importantly and the most prevalent scare- how far away October is. If any of you are anything like me, you’re already lost without the Oilers and excited for next season to start. In case you’re curious, October 1st is 133 days away, so feel free to start your countdowns people.
  2. GM drama? I swear the day after the Oilers were eliminated there were talks of us getting a new GM. The good news is that it was actually for a good reason. For once the rumours were that we might promote Ken Holland and also promote Steve Staios into that GM role.
  3. No more Playoff partying… devastating really. No more GRETA with the gang, no more weekday shenanigans. Just pain and sadness until the Oilers are back in October.
My Sunday Cellys stem from the Exit interviews.
If you pull one thing from any of them it’s that every player on the team realized we’ve got a good thing going, and they want to win here.

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