
Three Key Things: The Edmonton Oilers may never win again

8 months ago
Given their struggles, the Oilers really needed a gut-check kind of night where they left it all on the ice and competed for all 60 minutes instead of taking their foot off the gas. Instead, we got another sloppy affair that saw the Oilers sleepwalk through the first 40 minutes before finally cranking things up in the third. Unfortunately, it was too little too late for Edmonton as they could not get the job done and dropped their fourth straight game. The nightmare continues.


For the last week or so, I’ve been saying that it’s way too early to panic and that the Oilers would eventually turn things around. Unfortunately, the days and games keep happening, and there has yet to be even an ounce of improvement. Yeah, the boys have the odd shift where they can pin the opponent in their own zone but rarely have those shifts turned into anything more than killing time. I find myself completely stunned by how poorly things are going that I almost don’t believe it’s the year 2023 and not 2013 when Dallas Eakins took the donuts away. So when I think about whether or not it’s time to push the panic button, I’m having a hard time saying no because the team looks completely lost without so much as a clue about how to get themselves back on track.


I wish I knew what kind of sacrifice we needed to make so that the Oilers could get back to scoring goals. If I could only find out that information, I would volunteer as tribute to handle whatever needs to be done for the group’s greater good. Clearly, something drastic has to happen because the Oilers can’t piss a drop right now, and it’s starting to feel like they may never win another hockey game. I mean, last night was the seventh game of the season, and the boys have only mustered one lousy third period goal. I don’t have to explain how devastating and weird that stat is to anyone reading this, and the worst part is that it doesn’t look like anyone in blue and orange has any solutions.


I cannot even begin to express how annoying it was to see the Oilers finish the first period with only five shots on goal. At the 15-minute mark, the Oilers had only generated two shots on net, and it’s pretty damned hard to win in this league if that’s all you’re generating. From my side of the computer screen, I see a team that’s trying to be too cute on the attack, and rather than firing pucks on net and crashing the crease to pick up the garbage, the boys kept trying to force passes through instead of keeping it simple. I could be wrong about this, but the solution to our offensive issues is to have the boys embrace their inner trash man and fish for garbage goals more so than something that will end up on the highlight reels. Maybe it’s just me, but the greasy ones that come after hacking away in the crease are just as beautiful as the tic-tac-toe finishes.


  • At least the game is over and can’t hurt you anymore.
  • I wonder who will agree with me when I say that Stuart Skinner was the best Oiler in his first appearance after that costly gaff against the Jets on Saturday night. I know people are going to be rattled that he allowed three**** goals against, but there’s little doubt in my mind that the result would have been much worse had he not been dialled in. Skinner finished the night with 29 saves and a .906 save%.
  • Sticking with the goaltenders, was anyone surprised that the Oilers made Jonathan Quick look like a Vezina candidate? No? Didn’t think so.
  • I liked the way the Holloway – McLeod – Brown line was able to produce a handful of quality shifts that kept the Rangers pinned in their own zone. Obviously, they didn’t score but if this trio keeps playing the way they did then it won’t be long before they do.
  • Looking at the special teams, the Oilers finished their evening at 0-for-2 on the power play while killing off two of three shorthanded situations.
  • With seven games in the books, the Oilers have been outscored 10-1 in the third period. Dreadful.
  • You’ve finally made it to the part of the article where I let you know that the Oilers won only 41.5% of the faceoffs. You’re welcome.
  • Loved the ceremony for Doug Weight and Charlie Huddy for their Hall of Fame induction. Two legends that deserve the love and recognition.
  • I brought back the #HereComeTheOilers hashtag on Twitter tonight and it was the most fun I’ve had all season.


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