
You can buy Tyson Barrie’s house for only $4.7 million

Photo credit:© Jamie Sabau-USA TODAY Sports
1 year ago
Looking for a new place to live this summer, maybe an upgrade on your current crib? Have a few nickels rolling around in your jeans that you don’t know what to do with or how to spend? Your ol’ pal, Baggedmilk, has a deal for you.

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When the Edmonton Oilers traded Tyson Barrie+ to the Nashville Predators in exchange for Mattias Ekholm back in March, you knew a move like that meant our former friend no longer needed whatever house he was living in here in the City of Champions. Pro sports can be a cruel mistress and one of the details we often forget is how guys have to uproot their entire lives after a trade like this happens, but the flipside of that coin is that we get a little peak into how NHLers live. That’s why I was excited to find this article from Daily Hive that shows the house Barrie was living in being listed for sale a few short months after being shipped out.
Photo: David Higgs
So what does buying a 4,324 square-foot house look like exactly? I thought you’d never ask. For only $4.7 million, you too could live like an NHL defenceman in the gated community of Mill Creek Ravine. Located at 9213 97th street, the home is in one of Edmonton’s most beautiful neighborhoods and features six bedrooms, six bathrooms, a rooftop patio, hot tub, and even an elevator that can take you on a magical journey through all four floors. Just imagine how much fun you could have riding up and down in your own personal elevator. Those are memories that last a lifetime, friends.
Photo: David Higgs
As I look through pictures of the house — they’re all available to see in the listing — the thing that stuck out most to me is that everything looks like it belongs in a Sears catalog (RIP Sears) or a fancy hotel. What I mean by that is that every single room looks like it’s set up for a family photoshoot, and even though I know that’s how houses like this are staged in the hopes of being sold, this place looks like you should be able to rent it for your honeymoon or something. Then again, when you’ve put up 490 points in 768 NHL games, that’s the kind of lifestyle you’ve earned.
Photo: David Higgs
Yet, just when you think this place is too fancy and that you wouldn’t be allowed within 500 metres of the property line, you see a picture of the rooftop patio that features a 360 view and all the fake grass you’d need to chip golfballs at your neighbors. As I was inspecting the picture above, all I could think about was the shenanigans that the boys must have gotten up to up there in Barrie’s three(ish) seasons with the Oilers. Was Nuge up there in that hot tub? Did Connor get the position at the head of the table whenever they were barbequing? You’d have to think so, right? As read in the listing, “The top level is a primary retreat like no other. The most serene setting tucked away in the trees. Paired with an expansive roof deck with 360-degree views and equipped with a hot tub.” That’s good living, my friends.
Photo: David Higgs
So what is the point of this article, you might be asking yourself? I honestly don’t know. Seeing as it’s nearly been two weeks since the boys have been out of the playoffs, I find myself scouring the Internet for any Oilers news I can get my hands on, and when that happens you know the result is going to be some general nonsense coming your way. It is the offseason, after all. Back to the business at hand, now that we’ve seen the house Tyson Barrie lived in, I can’t help but wonder how many of us it would take to crowdsource this place. If we all paid $500, it would only take 9,400 of us to get the job done and I’m thinking it may be time to start reaching out to our friends on Facebook to see how wants to chip in. I mean, I don’t know about you folks but I’m always looking for ways to upgrade my lifestyle, and I can’t think of a better way to dip my toe into the good life than by raising money with nine thousand of my closest friends to buy this house.
Personally, I’ve got my $500 ready to go and that means I only have to convince a small town’s worth of people to join me. Dare to dream? Now, If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some Facebook friends to shake down for some money.

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