My friends, with all of the ups and downs that we’ve gone through this year we felt like it was time for us to get together and put our collective minds into finding some solutions. Next Saturday (December 2nd), we’re holding a FREE game day viewing party at the Pint Downtown and you’re all invited.
Now, you may be thinking to yourself, “why throw a party when the team has been so bad?” Well, the answer is that it’s been a couple months since the Season Opener party and we thought it’s been too long since we’ve all gotten together, given some prizes away, and had a (hopefully) good time. Not to mention, there’s also the added bonus of having a room full of hockey fans in the same place that are available to console each other while this dark cloud hangs overhead.
With another edition of the BOA set to take place, we wanted to get together with some fellow fans and have a night together. As always, we’ve raided Wanye’s coin purse and put together an array of prizes to give away. We’re going to have games, contests, a NationGear pop-up shop (running from 6-8pm) and all the alcohol the Pint can sell us. Add those things together and you’ve got the makings of a pretty damned fine Saturday night. Add in a BOA victory and we’re well on our way to recapturing a little bit of that happiness that has been sorely lacking over the past couple months.
TL;DR – Just be there. We have a tonne of cool shit happening and we want you to be a part of it. Besides, it’s a free chance to avoid spending time with your loved ones and there’s not really much more you can ask for.
When: Saturday, December 2nd, starting at 6:00pm MST
Where: The Pint Downtown
How much: FREE!
Where: The Pint Downtown
How much: FREE!
Listen, times are tough — there’s no doubt about that — but if we all stick together, we can ride this thing out. I mean, we’ve been through so much worse with the Decade of Darkness that I feel like it’s nothing we can’t handle. See you at the Pint!