Since the mood has been a little bit tense around here over the past few days, I thought that now would be the perfect time to share this post from TSN’s Jay and Dan to lighten up the atmosphere. 
Whether you’re on team “holy hell the sky is falling” or team “calm down bro, we can work this out” the vibe around the Nation has been deadly serious since opening night. The Oilers aren’t winning and that means that everyone from the writers to commenters have been a little bit salty about what’s going on with our hockey team. Worst of all, we’re all turning on each other when we should be rallying as a Nation to battle the haters that are taking such joy in our misfortune.
If there’s one thing the Decade of Darkness has taught us it’s that the best remedy for desalination is to laugh at ourselves. Enter Jay and Dan with a little bit of levity in the darkest of times. If you haven’t seen this video yet, take a minute to watch it and try to find the humour in the absurdity of our current state of despair. If laughing at ourselves and making jokes got us through a decade of horrible hockey, surely the same can work in this tough stretch.
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