The longer we spend in lockdown, the more likely we are to have our boredom taking us into strange new social challenges, which is exactly what happened with our old friend Georges Laraque today on Twitter.
Going crazy during this quarantine! Lol Je suis entrain de devenir fou durant cette quarantaine! Hahahaha @EdmontonOilers @NHL
— Georges Laraque (@GeorgesLaraque) March 25, 2020
I want to start this off by saying that I’m all for making the best use of our time spent at home and finding ways to make people smile during a strange time in human history, which is why I thought Georges’ relay challenge was so funny. Sure, I may be losing my mind as a result of all this time I have on my hands, but it’s nice to see that I’m not alone. In the video, Laraque readily admits how bored he is and that point was hammered home by the hilariously weird relay challenge that he threw down for his followers on Twitter.
“During this quarantine period, we’re so bored that mini Georges, Georges, and big Georges are going to do a relay run.”
As you can see in the video, Georges’ relay team may not win any medals for speed but they’ll certainly give you as much effort as they possibly can. This is a team that’s all heart, and
“I’m so bored during this quarantine. I challenge you to do your most original relay run.”
Why not, big man? Gord knows we’ve got time on our hands. If you end up participating in this relay challenge, feel free to send me the clip and we’ll throw it up on our social media accounts.