With all of the doom and gloom in the news lately, it’s sometimes hard to find the brighter sides in life and that’s why I was so excited to be sent me this touching video made by @Ryan Nugent-Hopkins for a very special Oilers fan.
A few days ago, Lynn Farrugia put out a tweet asking her followers if they could do a favour for her as a means of cheering up her 85-year-old father, Jim, who battles with dementia. According to Farrugia, her dad, a lifelong hockey fan, has been missing his day program that was understandably cancelled as a result of COVID-19, and she was hoping that a few messages/letters/pictures from Twitter would help to brighten his spirits.
That’s when the fine folks at ATB Financial and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins found out about the request and stepped in with a very kind gesture that was as touching as it was generous. Not only did Nuge take a minute to make a personalized video for Jim, even commenting on the bird carvings that he so diligently carved himself, but the fine folks at ATB also stepped up with a signed RNH jersey that will be sent to his home.
After seeing the video, Farrugia followed up with a tweet to express her gratitude:
“This is the kindest thing someone has ever done for my dad. He was so surprised and excited. He’s having a hard time even believing this happened. Thank you all so much!”
It’s this kind of stuff that makes me proud of the way this community is pulling together through this impossibly tough time. Even though it only took a minute of his time, Nugent-Hopkins didn’t have to make a video for Jim and ATB didn’t have to follow up with a jersey, but it’s this type of kindness that makes the world feel a little bit brighter at a time when we could all use a little more love. So to Ryan Nugent-Hopkins and the folks at ATB Financial, thank you for using your platform to do good in the world and making Jim’s day — you guys are the best.
Now, is someone cutting onions in here? It’s either that or my place got a little bit dusty all of a sudden.