If you’ve been following us on Twitter and Instagram, you probably already know that we relaunched NationBeer last month with the help of the fine folks at Dog Island Brewing, but what you may not know is how to get it. Thankfully, your ol’ pal Baggedmilk is here to help.
With the long weekend upon us, I know that means some of you fine citizens (that are of legal drinking age) are probably looking forward to a few adult beverages in the sun, and that’s why I wanted to write a quick note and encourage everyone to give NationBeer a try over these next few days. I mean, could there be a more perfect time than May long weekend? No, I don’t think so. Don’t know where to find it? No problem. Over the next few days and weeks, we’ll actually be landing in Superstore Liquor Stores across the province, which is obviously a huge deal for us. They aren’t quite stocked up yet, but orders have been placed and this delicious nectar is on its way. Don’t want to wait? I respect the hustle. If that’s the case, you can always check out liquor connect by clicking this link. There they’ll have a list of all of the liquor stores that are currently carrying NationBeer across the province.
From all of us here at Oilersnation, I wanted to end this by saying thank you for the incredible support you’ve shown us over the past few months, and I hope you know how much it means to all of us. Without each and every one of you, we wouldn’t be able to execute our crazy dreams like launching a beer and I hope you know how grateful we are for your support. Thank you, Nation. Be safe and enjoy the long weekend.