
A contest of epic proportions

By Wanye
15 years ago
As you may have noticed some of our photos here are getting rather stale. Why look at that lathe up there in that pic. What is it doing exactly?
boring [bawr-ing]
(Adjective) 1. causing or marked by boredom: a boring discussion; to have a boring time. 
(noun) 2. Machinery. a. the act or process of making or enlarging a hole.
*rim shot*
Screw you too everyone. It’s a Monday after a liquor soaked weekend. Do you know how hard it is to get something up early on a Monday?
(That’s what she said.)
*rim shot #2*
Man we are on fire today. But we are also rambling. What were we talking about again… Oh yes our terrible collection of photos here at the Nation. That can’t be helped! Do you know how we find most of our pictures? Google. How sad is that? So very sad.
(shakes head sadly)
The beginning of a thought
Sometimes we get sent pictures from people who went to the game or have funny shots of fans. We are in the process of building ‘people of the nation’ which is currently one person, but will ultimately change as we display all the fine photographs sent to us by the Citizens of the Nation in this box.
We have been sent some dandy game photos recently by our longtime known associate MSG. He said via email ‘Wanye, you need some fresher pics up on the Nation. Here are some I took recently for you from the game. Note how awesome my seats are.”
Here are a couple of his pics:
Tough one el Capitan
Zounds! A shoot out miss.
The actual thought
Why not harness this power of the Nation? Bigger and better websites have their own photographers that earn actual ‘money’ to take ‘pictures’ with the ‘expressed written consent of the NHL.’ We have ‘thousands of readers’ that want to win ‘booze’ for taking ‘pictures illegally.’
That sounds about right.
And that IS right. Win free booze if you take the best pictures.
The actual contest
Are you going to the game? Send us some photos. Perhaps the game is on the road and you are watching it with friends. Send us some photos. Perhaps you dress up neighborhood cats and have them act out the late game on HNIC. Send us some photos.
At worst you will be rewarded with a kind email telling you that you suck. At best – your photo will be featured on the Nation. At very best you will receive a $75 gift certificate from OilersNation and Hudsons to write yourself off during an Oilers Game. We are going to be giving away one of these gift certificates each and every month.
What could be better? Nothing. That’s what.
Send all your pictures to oilersnation@gmail.com after each game – or whenever you feel the urge. Please send all nude pictures with “Wanye” in the subject line for easier surfing.
Note: As this contest rewards photographic skillery with a GC to a licensed establishment, you will need to be either a) 18 to win or b) possessing a fake id sufficient to trick the powers that be. Sorry kids.

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