
Edmonton Oilers recall goaltender Calvin Pickard

Photo credit:Sergei Belski-USA TODAY Sports
Zach Laing
1 year ago
The Edmonton Oilers have recalled goaltender Calvin Pickard from the AHL’s Bakersfield Condors.
Pickard, 30, was signed by the Oilers to a two-year contract this past off-season. Stuart Skinner has returned to Edmonton for the birth of his first child.
Drafted by the Colorado Avalanche in the second round of the 2010 draft, Pickard has spent time with that organization, the Toronto Maple Leafs and Detroit Red Wings before joining the Oilers. He’s appeared in 10 AHL games this season with the Condors posting a 5-3-1 record. In those games, he posted a .909 save percentage and a 2.89 GAA.
He’s been limited due to injuries this season, but it’s allowed Oliver Rodrigue to play the lion’s share of games, where he’s had success this year. In 17 games, he’s posted a 7-10 record, a .911 save percentage and a 2.98 GAA.

Zach Laing is the Nation Network’s news director and senior columnist. He can be followed on Twitter at @zjlaing, or reached by email at zach@oilersnation.com.


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