
Highway Two: Unite Us!

16 years ago
The Battle of Alberta rivalry is well known to hockey fans. By and large, it’s pretty tame: the occasional “open letter” here, the odd ribbing there, but mostly its kept civil. Sometimes, though, fans (both North and South of Red Deer) take things way, way too far.
To wit, this item from the Edmonton Sun, which we came across in the comments of this post at the Battle of Alberta blog:
“The Battle of Alberta allegedly got out of hand when a man clad in an Edmonton Oilers jersey says he was swarmed and beaten unconscious on a busy city street for his hockey loyalty.”
Really, you guys, it’s JUST hockey. I know, we hitch our wagons to the game and it’s a point of pride when “our team” wins, but beating someone because they wore an Oilers jersey and made a comment about “your” hockey team…? Could we all maybe grow up?
This Springfield versus Shelbyville rivalry is laughable at times.

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