
McDavid stars in BizNasty’s documentary series

Chris the intern
5 years ago
Connor McDavid was featured in a video over at Barstool Sports and, because of Connor, it had my full, undivided attention.
Apparently, Paul Bissonnette sold them the rights to a six-part documentary series he created about touring British Columbia. Let me be the first to tell you about the final video featuring the love of our lives, Connor McDavid!
You can find the full episode of the documentary series below:

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First of all, I have to say that Connor’s acting skills have really improved over his short NHL career. This time around he played McJesus. McJesus popped into the screen in a beautiful outdoor scene and looked down on Biznasty from the heavens while giving him life advice about speedos. He ALSO told a worried Paul Bissonnette that he will hook him up with some NHL players for the finale of the documentary series. Were there no NHL players in the previous ones? I would have assumed he’d have other players appear in his videos. But either way, Connor granted his wish and had Scottie Upshall, Erik Gudbransson, Jason Garrison and some other snowboarding celebrities show up.
I mean if you need anything to get done, your best bet is to have Connor McDavid pull the strings for you so I think Biznasty made an excellent call asking for Connor’s help. McJesus’ main scene happen at the 11:40 mark, and he made a brief appearance at 5:42 as well if you needed to save time and skip through to Connor.

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