
Motivation music

Jason Gregor
9 years ago
Last night after dinner I was sitting on the couch fully prepared to skip my workout. In January, I challenged myself to try and get a six-pack. I’ve worked out a few times a week for the past seven years, but I needed to alter my eating habits and increase my workout regime to accomplish this goal. I spoke to a nutrionist (Lalitha Taylor) who set me up with a good eating plan and my trainer, Jeff Woods, gave me a four-day workout plan.
It has been going well. I lost six pounds and two inches (measure stomach at navel level) in the first month. I feel much better and actually enjoy the new food I’m eating, but last night I didn’t feel in the mood to workout.
My wife said, “Just go downstairs and do it. Take my computer and hit random on my Itunes.” I looked at her computer and hit play, and in an instant the song that came on completely changed my mindset.
Eye of the Tiger by Survivor started playing, and from the first chord I suddenly felt an surge of energy. I hit pause, went upstairs and changed into my workout clothes, then grabbed the computer and went to the basement.
I was amazed at how that song got me going. Instantly, I was thinking of Rocky and Apollo training on the beach and Rocky preparing to fight Clubber Lang . It was awesome.
I cranked up the song and had a pretty solid workout. I was shadow boxing during sets and singing along to most of the other songs that come on after. I workout because I set a goal for myself, and eight weeks in already felt unmotivated to train. I wonder how often that happens to pro athletes who have to train year round.
I went to Oilers practice today with the sole purpose of finding out what music gets them through a training session. I didn’t see the point to discuss the upcoming trade deadline or how practice went. There is ample time for that. 
For those who need their Oiler fix, Nail Yakupov skated today and said he felt great. He expects to play Saturday. 
Now back to the music.
I spoke to eleven players, some weren’t in the room, and asked about their go-to training music and how often they feel the workout blahs.
Most said, “almost every day,” with a laugh, but all of them agreed that music is a must on the days you don’t feel like training.
I asked all of them if they had a certain song or genre of music they need to listen to when training, and for some I followed up with a second question.
Matt Hendricks: I love Metallica. It keeps me going, keeps me going strong. I love all their stuff, but Ride the Lighting would be my favourite.”
RNH: Usually in the gym I like listening to techno music and as long as I can hear it doesn’t matter what song is playing. 
Are you a singer or a dancer between sets? Mostly singing, not a dancer, but I sing along for sure.
Tyler Pitlick: When I’m working out I like to listen to rap music. A lot of guys around here like to listen to techno, but I’m not a fan of that. I prefer when they throw the rap music on.  I’ve always like Eminem and Biggy Smalls, they are always good in the gym.
Do you sing or dance while the music plays? Not too much. If I get excited and really like the song I will sign along to myself, but not out loud.
Jordan Eberle: I don’t have a song in particular, but I like techno music when I’m working out and country music when I’m not. I like upbeat music, because you are right, it gets you in the mood to workout.
Will you sing or dance between sets? I do a litte bit. I like singing, I sing in the car all the time. I don’t know if you call it dancing, maybe a little bit, but there are definitely songs that get you motivated to move.
Ben Scrivens: I will listen to music I like. It depends on what mood I’m in. I’m not a guy who needs the same music every time. I’ve listened to heavy metal, country and even oldies.
Will you sing along? No, it is all air drum. I’m not a good singer, and sometimes I will throw out a few air piano chords out there, but no signing.
Justin Schultz: I don’t have a specific song, but I like anything techno. I also like a good country song. I think Nuge does too, but he won’t admit it. 
Will you air guitar or sing? I will sing. I’m not very good at it though. 
Matt Fraser: I like to anything except country. I like rap, I don’t know why, but anything with a beat that you can bop along with. I like to be serious and work hard when I work out, but you have to enjoy it so any music with a good beat, not country, will work.
Will you sing along or dance between sets? Oh yeah, all the time. I’m usually one of the loudest guys in the gym singing. These guys have all seen me dance. I’m not that good, but I like doing it.
Oscar Klefbom: I’m a club/house music fan. Swedish House Mafia has always been my favourite music. Whenever any of the DJ songs’ come out, Sebastien Ingrosso, Axwell or Steve Angello, I listen to them a lot. Sometimes when I’m going to the gym, I might not be the happiest guy, but when I turn on the music it relaxes me and helps me focus on becoming the best player I can.
Do you sing along? No. (laughs). I have friends back home who do, so I leave that to them.
Luke Gazdic: I really like rock. I’m a big classic rock guy. I’m a big Led Zeppelin fan and my favourite song is When the Levee Breaks. There is a drum intro that is loud and then a real nice guitar comes in and that really gets me going.
Will you sing or dance? I’m not one of those guys who keeps his emotions in. I let my emotions fly. I like to get myself going and the people around me.
Keith Aulie: Anything older rock, I love working out to Metallica. Wherever I May Roam really gets me going.
Will you sing along? For sure. I’ll dance, cut a rug, whatever.
Mark Fayne: I do it a bit different. In the summer time, I like to listen to country and when it is on in the gym it takes my mind off of working out and let’s me get through it. I don’t have a favourite song, usually what is the top song at that time, although Drive a few years ago is one that got me going.
So, Nation, do you have a song that inspires you?
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