
Oilersnation Open 2023 Recap

By Woz
10 months ago
There couldn’t be a better way to start September and the long weekend than with the Oilersnation Open at the Mill Woods Golf Course presented by Star Mechanical Edmonton.
For those reading you may know me as the man behind the bottle of Bailey’s, pouring it into your fresh cups of coffee before you began your journey across the green.
Soon enough you could hear the sound of golf carts as the tournament started and it couldn’t have gone any more smoothly. The weather was perfect aside from a little bit of smoke but wasn’t blistering hot like in previous years. The course was easy to navigate around and for the most part, all you could hear was laughs and cheers around the green.
What I love about events like this is that we get to see the faces behind the community of Oilersnation. The ones who listen, watch and interact with us online. Sometimes putting name to face can be a little tough but in the end, we get to know one another and I love it.
The sponsors were also fun to engage with. From holes with cigars to Caesar’s with grilled cheeses on top, the sponsors always made sure you left their hole with a small gift.
Another fun aspect was puzzling the golfers with fun Oilers’ questions. One of the crazier questions was asking “deal or no deal, the Oilers win the Stanley Cup but the Oilers trade McDavid in the off-season.” Fortunately, most played it safe and would take no Cup this year if it meant keeping McDavid, but the reactions were hilarious. Keep your eyes out for the video to be shared on our socials.
To finish things off we had a delicious banquet where we handed out prizes to raffle ticket winners as well as winners and losers of the tournament itself. Team Gimme Gimme finished in first place but the real W was the amount of money raised for Gregor’s Grads which according to Gregor was $17,500.
“What you and your foundation is doing is so much more than fitting them for free suits, which in itself is incredible.” One of the highlights of the tournament always is watching Gregor give an emotional speech and seeing tears stream down his eyes as he reads stories from those who’ve benefited from Gregor’s Grads.
By the way, I should add the food was fantastic from the chefs at Mill Woods. Steaks and chicken right off the barbeque — nothing beats that.
I should also mention this was a different tournament to handle from us at ON. As long as I’ve been at Oilersnation this is the first time we’ve been shortstaffed. Big credit has to go to our man Gavin who stepped in to make sure all our activations were executed on the day of. For someone who’s been with us for less than a year, Gavin gave off real boss energy and we love to see it.
Big thanks goes out to everyone who volunteered, the sponsors who helped make everything possible and the fine hospitality and links from Mill Woods Golf Course.
And thank you to all those who participated, we had a blast with all of you.
With that being said, we have a long hockey season ahead of us which we’re itching to have started but as always, we can’t wait for the next Oilersnation Open.

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