
Real Life Podcast Episode 290 – Look Good, Dance Good

Real Life Podcast
3 years ago
A new week has landed and that means the boys are back with a fresh episode of the Real Life Podcast recorded to help make sense of the world around us. This week, the guys covered even more food talk, TikTok trends, Brazilian statues, and a whole lot more.
To kick off the Monday episode of the Real Life podcast, the guys started the podcast in the most random way imaginable after Baggedmilk posted on Twitter that he tried the TikTok trend of eating watermelon with mustard on it. Somehow, that kicked off a chat about TikTok stars fighting each other and how Chalmers apparently knows more about the social platform than he cares to admit. Steering the show back to the Oilers, the guys reminisced about Fernando Pisani’s OT goal from 15 years ago as he closed out Game 5 in the most dramatic fashion. Somehow the Oilers talk led the guys into a conversation about Brazil and how the city of Encantado is building a bigger statue of Jesus than the original that’s in Rio de Janeiro. Lastly, the guys wrapped up the podcast with a little bit of betting talk after Jay made some coin betting on the Islanders to beat the Bruins and has decided they will be his team for the rest of the playoffs.
Listen to the Monday episode of Real Life below:
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