
Real Life Podcast Episode 82: Hole in Ones and Color Me Badd

Real Life Podcast
5 years ago
It’s Real Life Podcast time again and the boys are back in action this week with a brand new episode that will scratch the itch that last week’s ‘Best Of’ episode surely left. This week, the guys had two weeks worth of news to get caught up on and they tried their best to stay on track long enough to cover it.
With last week being an off week for the podcast, the boys needed to run through some of the news that happened in the past 14 days, including a hilarious inter-band feud at a Color Me Badd concert. In the world of social media, new “celebrities” are cropping up on what seems like a daily basis so the boys go through some of their favourites and lists what it is about that them they love. Why do these people exist? Can they make money? Do they only exist to annoy the Internet? For Baggedmilk, his new go-to Insta star is Daddy Long Neck and he tries to convince the boys why they should be following him too. That discussion leads into a conversation about rap music and whether or not it would be easier to break through in the music world considering the tools that are available for self-publishing like Soundcloud. Did any of the boys ever dream of being rappers when they were younger? Well, young Wanye did dream of breeding and selling hamsters, a story that he tells in this week’s episode, which is kinda the same in a way.
Needless to say, it was another busy and you’ll want to get it into your earholes.
Listen to Real Life on Soundcloud here, on iTunes here and on Google Play.

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