
Real Life Podcast: The Swift/Kelce distraction, Nation night at the track, and Connor Bedard

Real Life Podcast
9 months ago
It’s Monday afternoon and the pre-season is more than half done, which means there was plenty to talk about on the newest episode of the Real Life Podcast.
Kicking off the Monday episode of Real Life, the guys got started with another round of conversation about the Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce relationship. Seeing as Taylor Swift was at the Chiefs game last night in New York, there was plenty to discuss regarding their blossoming romance if you believe that it’s actually legitimate. From there, the guys recapped Oilersnation Night at Century Mile from Friday night and how it was a fantastic time for everyone who attended. Changing gears, the guys teased the Season Launch Party that’s coming up at Greta on October 11th and how it’s one of those nights that we’ll really want to attend. Turning the podcast toward the Oilers, the guys talked a little bit about the pre-season and how it’s tough to get excited about given that most of the jobs are already filled. Talking about the pre-season led the guys to take swings at how many goals and points he’ll put up in year one. Lastly, the podcast wrapped up with a random collection of topics that ranged from pre-season line combos to why baseball’s season is so long.
Listen to the Monday episode of Real Life below:
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