
Reverse Mailbag: Is Sean Walker worth a first round pick?

Photo credit:Sam Navarro-USA TODAY Sports
Liam Horrobin
5 months ago
Welcome back to the Reverse Mailbag!
Every week, I post a link to five questions on my Twitter account (@LiamHorrobin). By responding, you could be featured in this piece. The Reverse Mailbag will come out every weekend with your thoughts on the Edmonton Oilers and other topics from around the NHL.
This time, I’ve asked you about the Oilers’ biggest need, your favourite part of the win streak, and the Oilers’ new blueline pairings. Let’s see what you think.

Where is the Oilers’ most significant area of need?

One more winger who can score, right shot – Browndalorian
Either a top-four defenseman or a top-six right winger. – Zucc
I know that most want a legit top 6 winger or a “Ceci Upgrade” and, sure, those adds would be nice but, truth be told (1) Foegele has produced as a top 6 winger so far this year – he’s just outside the top 50 in points at 5 on 5 for forward (and top 25 for P/60) without playing with McDavid and (2) Ceci is covering the bet as a 2RD and value for this cap hit – even if not ideal for the minutes he plays (again, mainly without McDavid). Sure, upgrades there would be great but they would also be very expensive as far as acquisition cost as well as additional assets to figure out the cap structuring (I mean, to grade an actual top 6 winger, Foegele may have to go and that’s less than ideal). Currently, the fourth line is not playable for more than 5-8 minutes per game, and they are PK specialists – much of that is the lack of a legit center, and I think a solid, established 4C would go a long way. Truth be told, if they did acquire a top 6 winger, without having to move out a body, that does move players down and helps the fourth line. – Original Pouzar
A top-six forward with a shooter mentality and some speed. – Leonard Lizard
If we can add a top six winger for the Drai line that would put everyone in there place along the lineup If we can upgrade on D, that would be amazing. I wouldn’t do it if it’s not an obvious upgrade tho. Also, let’s see how Pickard does and give him a couple of starts. If he keeps playing solid, I don’t think we need to upgrade a goalie. – Hockey Tockey

What was your favourite moment from the 16-game winning streak?

How many times can you read Beating Calgary Beating Calgary Beating Calgary Beating Calgary Beating Calgary Beating Calgary Beating Calgary Beating Calgary x1000 – Thaddeus from South Dakota
The comeback against Toronto – Lyall
Stu Skinner getting the respect he deserves after months of negativity. Also, there was the Derek Ryan shootout goal to win against the Kings. – Zucc
Bouchard’s OT winner in Montreal to set a new franchise record – @Verictt
Have got to be beating the Leafs and watching Clouder lighting it up. – Hockey Tockey

Would you trade the first round pick for Sean Walker?

I would, contingent on whether the deal is player+pick and/or prospect, not player+pick+pick+prospect+prospect. Ideally, you’d bring him back next year with like 2x$4m, or 3x something reasonable, also. But I know that would require some fun cap maneuvering. – Thaddeus from South Dakota
Not a chance. – Lyall
Absolutely not. But also, it’s classic Oilers. Hopefully, they don’t classic Oilers – Jayson
Yes. I think Paul Coffeys mentorship would dramatically improve Walker’s game. – Seth Van Berkel
Not a chance! I would like to add Walker to solidify the right side depth but this player was an afterthought 4 months ago – a depth d-man, that played extremely sheltered minutes and was a throw in negative value asset – he’s been good but its been half a season. This player is simply not a locked in upgrade on Ceci. – Original Pouzar
Only as part of a larger deal (cap dump, mutli-player deal, etc.) – @Verictt
No. – Captain Feltan
Probably not, you can’t guarantee that he’s a big enough upgrade on any of the guys we have right now, and I’d rather not disrupt the chemistry our D core has built. – Braden Showtime

What do you think of the Nurse and Vinny pairing?

Let see them play a game or two first. – Oocifer
It could pan out with the way he’s been playing under Coffey (Vinny) but his speed and agility is something that is concerning. I wish he’d play a more physical big guy game. Sort of like Gudas with a more likeable character. – Jayson
It’s a scary pairing for the oppositions first line to go up against. Match that with The K.D Perry line and it’s frightening. – Seth Van Berkel
Well, they have solid numbers through 100 minutes but that’s a spot shift here and there in the 7D set-up. This will be a step up in quality of comp for Vinny D. and likely a step up in TOI. I am happy to see how he handles it – he has some real tools out there and those two form a very long pairing and two d-man with great sticks. – Original Pouzar
You wanna get nuts? Let’s get nuts! – Captain Feltan

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