
We’re doing another road trip to Calgary and you’re all invited to join us

Photo credit:isuckatpicking
5 years ago
One of my favourite things about working at the Nation is easily the events we throw that get everyone together. Whether it’s a party, charity drive, baseball game, or anything else that we come up with over the years, the Nation’s support is always mindblowing and that’s why we keep looking for more ways to get us all in the same room.
Back in March, we put together our first ever Nation Road Trip to Calgary to go see the boys play and it ended up being one of the best weekends we’ve had in a long time. No, the team didn’t win which is always a bummer, but the time spent with the great people we took down with us more than made for the loss. So when we started talking about doing it again, it was a no-brainer. Fortunately, our friends at Backside Tours felt the same way, and that kicked off the planning for round two.
One of my favourite things to do in life is going to live hockey games, and to do it with 50 rowdy Nation fans was an absolute game changer. The bus ride was crazy fun, our section was ridiculous, and it was incredible to spend the weekend with so many awesome people. Before I started writing this, I took a look back through #NationRoadTrip hashtag and burst out laughing at some of the shenanigans we got up to, and I can’t wait to do it all over again. Basically what I’m telling you is that I don’t care whether you have to bail on work, your in-laws, or ship the kids off to some kind of camp for the weekend. Do what you need to do to make this happen.


Just like last year, it was important for us to try and make this trip as cheap as possible and to announce it as early as we could to give you as much time as possible to get your life in order. Based on last year’s trip, this is a roadie that you really won’t want to miss — it’s an absolute blast and a good chance to get ridiculous behind enemy lines. And since I already know that you want to come, let’s get to the when, where, and how much, shall we?

Give me the details, guy:

  • When? Saturday, November 17th, 2018
  • How much? The depends on how many people are coming with you. To put it another way, we’ve got a range of options including single occupancy ($329/person) up to groups of four ($249/person).
  • Why? Because we love to party
  • Where do you buy tickets? Right here, friend. But be warned, just like the last time we did this, the trip sold out quickly and procrastinating will be your enemy if you want to come.

What your ticket gets you:

  • Ticket to the game (November 17th)
  • Transportation to and from Calgary (starting in Edmonton, also stopping in Red Deer if needed)
  • Accommodations at the Sandman City Centre Hotel
  • Prizes, Giveaways & Entry to our Post Game Party at a soon to be determined location
One thing that bears repeating is that this trip will sell out quickly just like it did last year. The bus only has room for 50 people and once those spots are gone they’re gone. If you think this trip will be something you want to be a part of, and it really should be, then I would encourage you to act as quickly as possible or you will miss out. Make sense? Of course, it does.

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