Remember Raffi Torres? Remember when he was traded to Columbus for Gilbert “Crème” Brule? Rich, soft and sweet, just like the dessert. Who the hell is that guy, anyway? Oh, you know stuff about him? Shut up. How does that sound? Good.
Our knowledge of Brule consists of the following story. One time we went on a road trip and someone picked Brule as their person in the game “20 questions.” How preposterous is that? “Who the hell is Gibert Brule?” was the question we were asking that day. And later—when we had hit question 21 and lost the game—we were cursing his very name and existence.
Fast-forward four years. A little more chest hair, a little less swagger in his step, but we can’t help but wonder if we still hate Brule after all the time that has passed. Should we consider him to be a fragile little deer, healing from injury and only three years removed from being compared to Sidney Crosby? Or should we run him over with a stolen car the instant he reports to training camp and finish him off for good? All good questions. And dammit questions need answers!
So peep this, Nation. Four sections, four days and if all goes well we should shed some light on the enigma wrapped in a mystery dipped in the UFO sighting that is Gibert Brule. And as a special bonus, it is going to be a collaboration between Jonathan Willis and Fleet Admiral Wanye Gretz in what could be possibly the first shared post in the history of the notoriously combative Oilogosphere*. There will be tears and fights, believe that!
- Part I: The history of Gilbert Brule
- Part II: Analyzing the player
- Part III: Brule vs other players of note
- Part IV: The Future—Brule as an Oiler
In advance: You’re welcome.