A few weeks ago Snoop Dogg began congratulating all of the teams who clinched a playoff spot in a video on the NHL’s Instagram. It was random to say the least, and was the beginning of an exhilarating partnership between him and the NHL.
I’m not ANGRY about the Snoop Dogg partnership like some people were but we can all agree that it’s one of the oddest things ever to see, right? Who are they trying to target with these videos? They can’t be trying to appeal to the average hockey fan, can they?
If you haven’t watched one of these videos, see below.
The deal started out with Snoop congratulating all the teams who clinched a playoff spot. THEN he started giving history lessons on different trophies in the NHL. AND NOW he has a full on video series on Youtube called Hockey 101 where he teaches people about game rules.
Don’t know what icing is? Fear not, Snoop will teach you!
Am I the only one that finds these extremely cringy? Are people actually learning from this video? Is the NHL just purposely doing this so we can talk shit about them giving them more views? I can’t be the only one that feels this way. For me, the worst parts about the video are either the lame visual effects, or the fact that Snoop refers to himself as the Professor of Pucks, 99+2 a.k.a The Greater One, and Dogg Cherry.
If you’ve ever seen Snoop D-O-double-G skate on ice before, you might want to re-think getting hockey lessons from him. In case you’re wondering, the other episodes are about hockey slang, the Stanley Cup, and penalties.