I’m content in life. I don’t ask for much. My parents and now my wife say it is difficult to get me something on Christmas because I never have a list.
Well, this year, that is changing. There is one thing I’d like. I need it, and I think many of you do as well.
For the past nine months we’ve been dealing with COVID. It has impacted all of us in one form or another. Having a six year-old son, who turned seven two weeks ago, during these past nine months has been a blessing because I’ve tried to emulate his happy-go-lucky attitude. When school was cancelled, he adapted. When hockey in March was cancelled, and then his soccer in the spring and hockey and swimming in the fall, he took it in stride. He never let it get him down.
So when I start to feel annoyed or upset about this seemingly endless cycle of staying home, not seeing friends or going out, hearing about friends who have lost loved ones or their businesses, I remember his approach. It has helped. Honestly. Kids have a unique brand of resiliency and I’ve learned from him.
And for the past many months I’ve focused on one thing that would excite me. One thing that I knew would make the start of 2021 fly by.
The all-Canadian division in the NHL.
It’s simple: seven teams playing each other for five months. The animosity would make for more exciting games. The race to the playoffs in a shortened season would be intense. Fans from all teams would be amped up, chirping each other, bonding over hockey and the love, or hate, of their favourite players or opponents.
It was going to be awesome.  And now it might not happen because of COVID restrictions and suddenly I feel like Sinead O’Connor.
**Sung to the tune of Nothing Compares 2 U**
It’s been nine months and six days
Since you took our love away
I go to bed early every night and browse Twitter all day.
Since you took our love away.
Since the NHL’s be gone I have all the spare time I want
I can see any TV show I choose 
I eat homemade dinner every night
But nothing…
I say nothing can fill the void…
Cause nothing compares
Nothing compares… so eff you
Like I said, I’ve been fairly upbeat during this pandemic. I have a glass-half-full type of personality, but the possibility of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have all seven Canadian teams in the same division being suddenly squashed cuts deep. Real deep.
I’ve supported every decision and suggestion put forth by medical experts and politicians.
Wear a mask. Check
Wash hands often. Check.
Don’t go to large gatherings. Check.
Support local. Check.
Cancel minor sports. Didn’t complain. Even when the city of St. Albert made the over-the-top decision to remove the nets from the outdoor rinks.
So please, NHL and officials, find a way to make this all-Canadian division happen. Somehow. Some way. I realize health standards need to be met, and that is very important, but I really need this division to happen. St. Nick, if you are listening, I could you some Christmas divine intervention. The NHL is currently in discussions with governments from the five provinces that are home to NHL teams, as well as the Canada Public Health Agency to ensure the NHL will meet their health and safety protocols.
Some questions that need answered include what happens if a visiting player tests positive? And what happens to his teammates? Do they remain? Quarantine? No doubt these are serious issues, but I really hope they can be rectified. I know we will survive without an all-Canadian division, but it is the only thing I’m asking for. Nothing else.
I’ll accept I will have to endure endless Maple Leafs coverage on TSN and Sportsnet, even with all the Canadian teams in one division. I don’t care. It is worth it for the chance to see Canadian rivals go head-to-head every night.
I know Calgary Flames and Vancouver Canucks commenters will gravitate to, and lower the intelligence level, of the comment sections at Oilersnation. I’m willing to sacrifice having to read those inane posts, as part of my job to peruse the comment sections.
Christmas is one week away. Please make it happen.


Thank you again to the Glendale Golf and Country Club and to Pathfind for their awesome packages and to Josh and Frank for their bids. Thank you.
Day 14: Pyramid of Giving
Today we will build a pyramid of giving to help Adopt-A-Teen. It is a simple donation.
We will have 15 people donate $100
Eight people will donate $200.
Four people will donate $500
And two people, or companies, will donate $1000.
And we will raise $7,100 for the Adopt-A-Teen. (Tax receipt included).

It goes from 2-6 p.m. on TSN 1260. You can text the show between 2-6 p.m. at 101260 and include your name and donation
Thanks in advance.

Package #2: A Cooler full of Beverages

  • A Chilly Moose 25L Ice Box
  • 4 Brent Insulator and Tumblers
  • Ice Box of Moosehead Lager, Radler and Cracked Canoe – A flat of each.
You can bid by listening to TSN 1260 between 2-6 p.m. today and calling 780.444.1260 or text 101260. 
All money raised will help out Adopt-A-Teen and the MS Society. Thanks in advance.

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