
Real Life Podcast Episode 318 – This is the Preseason Episode of Podcasting

Real Life Podcast
2 years ago
The weekend may be over but that doesn’t mean the fun has to end as the boys are back with a fresh episode of the Real Life Podcast to help you get through what’s left of your Monday. In today’s episode, the guys looked at Facebook and Instagram being down, the NHL preseason, Joey Moss’ locker room tribute, and a whole lot more.
Kicking off the Monday episode of Real Life, the guys got started with a look at Facebook and Instagram being down and how the Internet is freaking out about the platforms being down. As much as we tend not to think about those platforms all that often apart from getting mad at relatives for their Farmville invites, there is nothing quite as entertaining as the reactions that spread around social media when one of the major platforms are is down.  Moving over to the Oilers, the guys got into some preseason talk as the Oilers continue to make cuts and inch their way towards an opening night roster. As the preseason wears on, the lineups are starting to take shape and it seemed like the guys are starting to get a little bit more fired up about the start of a new year.
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