
Report: GM’s vote against change in offside rule

Photo credit:Bruce Bennett
Chris the intern
6 years ago
The long-awaited GM meetings are finally taking place this week in Florida and we have our first breaking news out of it from Elliotte Friedman.
Now this is a pretty vague statement and doesn’t go into a lot of detail, but what I can only assume is that the NHL hates us and wants us to suffer some more. Friedman’s tweet doesn’t state specifically if they’re referring to the offside review, but I’m going to say that they are.
If Bettman and the rest of the gang actually thinks that there’s nothing wrong with the system, then we’re going to have a problem. This comes just weeks after the NHL requested that players and coaches stop complaining about the review system.
Friedman is tweeting updates on this as we speak, so we may get some more information about it soon. As much as I hate it, the offside rule is objective. Sure your skate is 1/4 of an inch over the line, but by the rulebook, it’s still offside. There’s no denying it. I hate it, but it’s true. It sounds like the GM’s agreed to this thought and found no reason to change the ruling.
Next up: Are they going to do something about the goaltender interference review?
Source: Elliotte Friedman, Verified Twitter Account, 3/20/2018 – 11:22 am MST

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