
Reverse Mailbag: Thoughts on the Elias Lindholm trade, who is your Oilers MVP thus far, and more

Photo credit:Perry Nelson-USA TODAY Sports
Liam Horrobin
5 months ago
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Reverse Mailbag!
Every week, you can find a link to five questions on my Twitter account (@LiamHorrobin), and by giving your response, you could feature in this piece. The Reverse Mailbag will come out every Friday with your thoughts on the Edmonton Oilers and other topics from around the NHL.
Today, we asked the audience about the Oilers and their trade deadline dreams, Elias Lindholm getting moved from the Calgary Flames to Vancouver Canucks, along with a hypothetical about whether Connor McDavid can still win the scoring title.

What did you think of the Elias Lindholm trade?

The Flames got away with a good haul for a guy they were going to pay 9 million to. On the other hand, it was a lot for the Canucks to give up for a rental, but he will help them win. – Nick
Annoyed it was Vancouver, but makes me dislike them even more. – OilersAdam
It makes Vancouver a better team, but that doesn’t change the fact that they overpaid and likely won’t get past the first round of the playoffs. They’ve just had too much success for me to believe it’s sustainable for an entire season and a long playoff run. – Y2baay
Both teams underestimated the players involved. – Geeks
Probably good for both sides. Canucks get a player to help them this year and Calgary gets some assets for a guy that likely wasn’t going to stay. – Colton

Who should the Oilers pursue at the deadline?

Jake Guentzel would be the dream deadline target, however i worry about the cost of acquisition for such a short term rental is too high. Boone Jenner and Sean Monahan are a few other fits that would work. – Nick
Jake Guentzel or Tyler Toffoli would be a couple of really solid pickups. I’d also really like a guy like Adam Henrique. Good veteran and has playoff experience. – OilersAdam
Tex Mex outta Columbus. I like Walker outta Philly, but is he really better than what we’ve got? It’s a pipe dream, but trade anything for John Carlson and slot him right next to Nursey. – Y2baay
Any NHL experienced veteran goalie, that Skinner can tandem with. IF there is a potential upgrade with a Dman, that too. – Geeks
I think the Oilers need a solid forward. I would like a Ceci replacement but I don’t believe there is anyone out there that moves the needle enough. DO NOT need to replace Pickard, he can be a solid back up. – Colton
Can Connor McDavid still win the scoring title? I would not bet against him – Nick Will be tough but he’s Connor McDavid. – OilersAdam
Hard to bet against CM97 when he still has yet to have a “supernova” type run over a 15/20 game span this season. He finishes in the top three… Whether he’s looking down on the other guys is the debate! – Y2baay
McDavid can still win Masterchef & Amazing Race during the season. He is not human. – Geeks
I don’t believe so. Kucherov and MacKinnon are too far ahead. McDavid has made the conscious decision to always be on the right side of the puck, which sacrifices some offence I don’t believe that will change in the last half of the season. – Colton

Who is your Oilers MVP this season?

For the sake of being different, Darnell Nurse has quietly put up a really solid season. He and Ekholm have solidified a normally shaking blue line – Nick
Zach Hyman. 30 goals in 44 games. Guy has been a force for this team. It would be criminal, not to mention Stuart Skinner as well. He seemed down and out earlier in the year, but he’s got his mojo back and has been crucial for this team’s success. – OilersAdam
Zach Hyman for me. This guy brings it every single night. But he can’t stop pucks and Stuuey has been absolutely lights out since the early October / November struggles. I’d say a 60/40 split for Stu! – Y2baay
Zach Hyman. Man of the people. – Geeks
Really tough question. I might have to say it’s been Stuart Skinner, he’s been fantastic since the rough start which says a lot about his character. With all of the players playing relatively well, not one guy jumps off the page other than Skinner. – Colton

Tell me the story of a time you met a celebrity…

Met Frank Seravalli at the NHL fan park before the Heritage Classic – Nick
I met Zach Hyman at the Edmonton airport last week. As nice of a guy as you’d think. Really genuine. – OilersAdam
I once met Captain Canada Ryan Smyth at the movies right after we watched Dumb and Dumber 2 at South Common Cineplex! I asked for a picture, and he was just an all-class human! How could you not remember that nose?! Love ya, Smytty! – Y2baay
I met Carrie Fisher once. She almost tripped over her sweet puppy. She told me I had an angelic aura & never to forget my voice has meaning – Geeks
I can’t say I’ve ever really met a celebrity before, I live in the middle of nowhere in Saskatchewan/ – Colton

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