Happy Wednesday, Internet friends, and welcome to another chapter of your ol’ pal Baggedmilk’s adventures in local radio. As I do every Wednesday, I jumped on the air with the boys on The Locker Room for a quick segment to talk about Tom Wilson, playoff runs, and anything else that’s going on in the world of the Edmonton Oilers.
Kicking off this week’s appearance, we jumped in with a look at the Tom Wilson situation and how the DoPS decided that the incident against the Rangers this past week. Needless to say, all of us were surprised that George Parros decided that the shenanigans was only worth a fine, and it will be very interesting to see how the league handles the Rangers’ response as well as tonight’s rematch between NYR and Washington. Back to the Oilers, now that the team has clinched a playoff spot, we started talking about the potential for the Oilers to make a run and how likely that will be considering no team in the NHL has played anyone outside of their own division. Would that be an advantage for a team like Edmonton that has two of the best players in the league playing at a level others may not be prepared to handle? Would it be a disadvantage somehow? Regardless of what happens, one thing that was very apparent in this call was that we’re all excited for the postseason to get going and to see how far this McDavid magic can take us.
Listen to this week’s segment below: