With all kinds of time on our hands with not a whole lot to do, the boys decided to record a second episode of the Real Life Podcast this week as a means of creating a little bit more contact but also to have some social interaction with each other albeit from a safe distance.
To start off today’s podcast, the guys started with a look at how social distancing is going so far and what everyone is doing to stay connected. All three of Tyler, Jay, and Baggedmilk had different ideas and ways to keep in touch with friends at a time when we’re not supposed to be in the same room as each other, and it will be interesting to see how the methods change and adapt as the practice of self-isolating continues. Changing gears, there is obviously a lot of free time that has come up as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and that spawned a conversation about the best sports movies of all time. Seeing as all three guys are of varying ages and eras, the lists they put together were about as random as you’d expect. Lastly, the guys kicked off a new segment entitled, “Community Kindness” where they looked around at some of the good deeds that are taking place in the city and using the opportunity to give shout outs to those that are going out of their way to help.
Listen to today’s podcast below:
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