Hello it me Chris Gordeyko, fully recovered from the flu. In fact, the whole office has fully recovered and we’re back stronger than ever. Employees who vomit together, stick together. That’s what I always say.
Tobias Rieder
We’ve got a new addition to the injury report this week and that man is named Tobias Rieder. Tobias hurt his “upper body” in Tuesday nights game against the Montreal Canadiens. As you can see in the video below, Rieder’s last shift ended with a small collision by a Habs player by the bench. It looked pretty innocent, but sometimes that’s all it takes to hurt a guy. If your body is turned the slightest wrong way, something like one’s shoulder or back could be vulnerable. And that’s exactly what happened to Tobias Rieder.
Todd McLellan said yesterday in a press conference that Rieder is expected to miss a month of hockey due to an upper-body injury. This is really disappointing news as Rieder was playing some really solid hockey in his debut season with the Oilers. In the meantime, it looks like AHL affiliates like Patrick Russell or Cooper Marody will fill his spot.
Since I have no idea what type of injury Rieder has, I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say it’s Frozen Shoulder Syndrome. Don’t know what Frozen Shoulder Syndrome is? This blog post courtesy of the Capilano Rehab Centre from 2012 should help you out!
Normally, your shoulder ball and socket joint and the surrounding muscles and ligaments are well lubricated and able to stretch easily. However, if these tissues become inflamed, they lose their elasticity causing your shoulder to tighten up in all directions. Even simple movements become difficult. The technical term for frozen shoulder is adhesive capsulitis and the major causes are:
- Gradual pain and stiffness that starts without any obvious cause ( note: women over 40 with a history of diabetes or thyroid disease appear to be at greater risk).
- After a traumatic injury (eg., slip and fall)
- Following surgery where the shoulder is kept still for a long time (e.g., in a sling,).
If Tobias Rieder actually has frozen shoulder syndrome (which I highly doubt he is, although it would be a tremendous coincidence), hopefully, he gets some rehab for it asap!
Andrej Sekera
Guess what! Andrej Sekera is no closer to a return than he was last week. Well, technically he’s a week closer, but as you can imagine, there has been no injury update on the guy in the last seven days. Believe it or not, we probably won’t hear an injury update from him for another couple months.
Previous Injury Reports
- Week five: Flu season
- Week four: 22 Stitches and a face shield
- Week three: “The Answer” is losing his status
- Week two: Caggiulaless
- Week one: We back!
This in-depth injury analysis is brought to you by the Capilano Rehab Centre
If you’re in some need of some good, friendly physiotherapy services you can call them at (780) 466-1104 or visit their website!