
Real Life Podcast: Mark Stone’s post-game reaction, Batman rankings, and the Edmonton Oilers

Real Life Podcast
9 months ago
It’s Thursday afternoon and the pre-season is well underway, which means there was plenty to talk about on the newest episode of the Real Life Podcast.
Kicking off the podcast, the boys got started with a Chalmers rant about Mark Stone’s post-game interview after he got absolutely levelled by a Kings minor-leaguer during last night’s pre-season game. For Chalmers, the reaction was simply too much to bear and that led to unloading on the Vegas captain for a few minutes much to Baggedmilk’s delight. After walking into the studio late, Wanye told a story about Wanye Jr. locking him out of the car while eating gummy worms the entire time. While some folks may think this story nothing more than a cute child moment, Baggedmilk believes this was a plan Wanye Jr. has been working on for quite some time. Changing gears, the guys spent some time on the Oilers’ pre-season after the team pulled out an OT win last night against the Vancouver Canucks. Despite the win, the funny part about the pre-season is that no one really cares about the results even though both sides had a handful of NHL regulars littered throughout the lineup. Lastly, the podcast really fell off the rails in the final 15 minutes or so as the guys couldn’t stick to any particular topic for more than a minute or so. If you’re looking for random shenanigans then the Thursday episode of Real Life is exactly what you need in your life.
Listen to the Thursday episode of Real Life below:
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