
The Real Life Podcast Ep. 397 – Social Media, Phones aren’t phones, and Liam’s hockey journey

Real Life Podcast
2 years ago
The busiest chunk of the NHL free agency period is now behind us, but with plenty of teams still looking for upgrades, the gang from the Real Life Podcast was back with a brand new pod to help you make sense of everything that’s happened so far. On today’s show, the guys looked at social media trends, phone problems, Liam’s prospect love, and a whole lot more.
To kick things off, the guys got the podcast started with a conversation about social media after the new Instagram update has pissed off almost all of their users since it looks less like Insta and more like a terrible version of TikTok. Somehow that conversation about social media led the boys to talk about their cell phones, and how they should be hard-pressed to be called phones at this point. Getting back to hockey, the guys asked Liam about his love for hockey prospects and how he was able to turn that into a scouting gig for himself with the Sherwood Park Crusaders. As you’ll hear, Liam’s journey to becoming a scout is a fascinating journey that was a product of hard work and hustle. Lastly, the guys wrapped up the Monday episode of Real Life with another riveting update from Liam about what’s going on with Coronation Street.
Listen to the Monday episode of Real Life below:
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